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Статьи по голографическому принтеру

Full-color holographic 3D printer

Masami Takano, Hiroaki Shigeta*, Takashi Nishihara, Masahiro Yamaguchi*, Susumu Takahashi,Nagaaki Ohyama*, Akihiko Kobayashi, Fujio Iwata. 2003

Full-color holographic 3D printer

Holographic Element-Based Effective Perspective Image Segmentation and Mosaicking Holographic Stereogram Printing

Fan Fan 1,2 , Xiaoyu Jiang, Xingpeng Yan , Jun Wen , Song Chen , Teng Zhang and Chao Han 2019

Holographic Element-Based Effective Perspective Image Segmentation and Mosaicking Holographic Stereogram Printing

3D holographic printer: Fast printing approach

Alexander V. Morozov,Andrey N. Putilin, Sergey S. Kopenkin, Yuriy P. Borodin, Vladislav V. Druzhin, Sergey E. Dubynin , German B. Dubinin 2014

3D holographic printer: Fast printing approach

Высокоапертурная дифракционная линза для голографического принтера

А.Ю.Жердев, С.Б.Одиноков, д. т.н., Д.С.Лушников,А.Ю.Жердев, С.Б.Одиноков, д. т.н., Д.С.Лушников,МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана;Ч.Б.Кайтуков, ФГУП "НТЦ "Атлас"

Высокоапертурная дифракционная линза для голографического принтера

CHIMERA, a new holoprinter technology combining low-power continuous lasers and fast printing

Yves Gentet, Philippe Gentet 2019

CHIMERA, a new holoprinter technology combining low-power continuous lasers and fast printing

Direct-Write Digital Holography

Development and research of a hologram printer John Peter Tapsell 2008

Direct-Write Digital Holography


Patent US 7,847,992 B2


Digital Colour Holography (Geola)

Digital Colour Holography (Geola)
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Digital holographic printing using pulsed RGB lasers

David Brotherton-RatcliffeDavid Brotherton-RatcliffeStanislovas J. ZacharovasRamunas J. BakanasJulius PileckasAndrej NikolskijJevgenij Kuchin 2011

Digital holographic printing using pulsed RGB lasers

Повышение разрешения голографического принтера методом наложения хогеля

Keehoon Hong,1 Soon-gi Park, Jiwoon Yeom, Jonghyun Kim, Ni Chen, Keehoon Hong, Soon-gi Park, Jiwoon Yeom, Jonghyun Kim, Ni Chen,Kyungsuk Pyun, Chilsung Choi, Sunil Kim, Jungkwuen An, Hong-Seok Lee,U-in Chung, и Byoungho Lee,* 2013

Повышение разрешения голографического принтера методом наложения хогеля

Holographic Printing of White-Light Viewable Holograms and Stereograms

Hoonjong Kang, Elena Stoykova, Jiyung Park,Hoonjong Kang, Elena Stoykova, Jiyung Park,Sunghee Hong and Youngmin Kim. 2008

Holographic Printing of White-Light Viewable Holograms and Stereograms

Высококачественная запись полно-параллаксной голографической стереограммы при помощи цифрового рассеивателя

Masahiro Уamaguchi, Hideaki Endoh, Toshio Honda,* и Nagaaki Ohyama 1993

Высококачественная запись полно-параллаксной голографической стереограммы при помощи цифрового рассеивателя

Advances in digital holography

Stanislovas Zacharovas 2019

Advances in digital holography

Reduction of the recorded speckle noise in holographic 3D printer

Takeru Utsugi and Masahiro Yamaguchi 2013

Reduction of the recorded speckle noise in holographic 3D printer

Holographic stereogram printing based on digitally computed content generation platform

Erkhembaatar Dashdavaaa, Anar Khuderchuluuna, Young-Tae Lima, Seok-Hee Jeonb andErkhembaatar Dashdavaaa, Anar Khuderchuluuna, Young-Tae Lima, Seok-Hee Jeonb andNam Kima 2019

Holographic stereogram printing based on digitally computed content generation platform

Holoprinter: Study and development of a direct write synthetic full parallax holographic system

Alejandro Madrid-Sánchez, Daniel Velásquez-Prieto. 2018

Holoprinter: Study and development of a direct write synthetic full parallax holographic system

Seamless full color holographic printing method based on spatial partitioning of SLM

Youngmin Kim, Elena Stoykova, Hoonjong Kang, Sunghee Hong, Joosup Park,Jiyong Park, and Jisoo Hong. 2014

Seamless full color holographic printing method based on spatial partitioning of SLM

Diffuser with pseudorandom phase sequence

Yoshikazu Nakayama and Makoto KatoYoshikazu Nakayama and Makoto KatoElectronics Research Laboratory, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Moriguchi, Osaka, Japan (Received 27 February 1979)

Diffuser with pseudorandom phase sequence
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